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We are pleased to announce an Open Call for works for a juried competition: #TOwardTOmorrow is an Instagram competition with a cash prize of €10,000 Euro, with qualifier exhibition opportunities for participating artists. TOwardTOmorrow has United 17 NGOs from across the globe- including Heliotrope! - to help showcase the transformative power of culture. Brought to you by TOWARD 2030, an initiative on a mission to build a better world with artists, using the UNITED NATIONS 17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) as the blueprint.
The competition invites creatives to reflect positively on how art engages with the world. As we currently are united in isolation during the covid-19 crisis, we want to know - What are you envisioning and creating in efforts to move the world forward? Whether you believe in gender equality or improved community infrastructures or safeguarding the natural world, we want to hear your voice! 
1. Create an original artwork in response to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Check @sdgaction ON Instagram for all the info on the U.N. SDG.
2. Submit your entry by posting it to your Instagram page, in the description tell us which SDG you have chosen and how your work responds to it.
3. Follow @toward.2030 on Instagram
4. Tag @toward.2030
5. Hashtag your chosen SDG eg #SDG5. Hashtag the category you are entering 
#TOwardTOmorrow (over 18)
#TOwardTOmorrowyouth (under 18)
6. Nominate 3 other creatives to participate by tagging them in your post.
Submissions close JUNE 5, 2020. See @toward.2030 for full terms and conditions. Any rules that are not followed will disqualify the entry.
This project is coordinated by @charlotte_pyatt and is supported by @juxtapozmag, @sdgaction and @lavazzaofficial